上海养生网:Meet Willow, our state-of-the-art quantum chip
Errors are one of the greatest challenges in quantum computing, since qubits, the units of computation in quantum computers, have a tendency to rapidly exchange information with their environment, making it difficult to protect the information needed to complete a computation. Typically the more qubits you use, the more errors will occur, and the system becomes classical.
Today in Nature, we published results showing that the more qubits we use in Willow, the more we reduce errors, and the more quantum the system becomes上海养生网. We tested ever-larger arrays of physical qubits, scaling up from a grid of 3x3 encoded qubits, to a grid of 5x5, to a grid of 7x7 — and each time, using our latest advances in quantum error correction, we were able to cut the error rate in half. In other words, we achieved an exponential reduction in the error rate. This historic accomplishment is known in the field as “below threshold” — being able to drive errors down while scaling up the number of qubits上海后花园论坛. You must demonstrate being below threshold to show real progress on error correction, and this has been an outstanding challenge since quantum error correction was introduced by Peter Shor in 1995.
There are other scientific “firsts” involved in this result as well上海娱乐网. For example, it’s also one of the first compelling examples of real-time error correction on a superconducting quantum system — crucial for any useful computation, because if you can’t correct errors fast enough, they ruin your computation before it’s done. And it’s a "beyond breakeven" demonstration, where our arrays of qubits have longer lifetimes than the individual physical qubits do, an unfakable sign that error correction is improving the system overall.
As the first system below threshold, this is the most convincing prototype for a scalable logical qubit built to date. It’s a strong sign that useful, very large quantum computers can indeed be built. Willow brings us closer to running practical, commercially-relevant algorithms that can’t be replicated on conventional computers.
As a measure of Willow’s performance, we used the random circuit sampling (RCS) benchmark上海花千坊. Pioneered by our team and now widely used as a standard in the field, RCS is the classically hardest benchmark that can be done on a quantum computer today. You can think of this as an entry point for quantum computing — it checks whether a quantum computer is doing something that couldn’t be done on a classical computer. Any team building a quantum computer should check first if it can beat classical computers on RCS; otherwise there is strong reason for skepticism that it can tackle more complex quantum tasks爱上海后花园. We’ve consistently used this benchmark to assess progress from one generation of chip to the next — we reported Sycamore results in October 2019 and again recently in October 2024.
Willow’s performance on this benchmark is astonishing: It performed a computation in under five minutes that would take one of today’s fastest supercomputers 1025 or 10 septillion years. If you want to write it out, it’s 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years爱上海同城对对碰. This mind-boggling number exceeds known timescales in physics and vastly exceeds the age of the universe. It lends credence to the notion that quantum computation occurs in many parallel universes, in line with the idea that we live in a multiverse, a prediction first made by David Deutsch.